Author: Mary Ann Johnson, Display Link
Agile working practices are sweeping through the software industry, but embedded software companies have been more reluctant to make the switch. In this session, we will explore some of the very valid concerns behind this, and follow DisplayLink’s journey so far in searching out tools and techniques that have worked in our context, developing silicon chips, embedded and host software.
By the end of this session, you should come away with a clearer idea of what Agile really represents, and an approach to making the journey towards the Agile methods that will work in your context.
Session : Agile for Embedded, Weds 25th September
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Mary-Ann Johnson loves figuring out what makes people tick, how to communicate across the technical/non-technical divide; and how to solve complex problems. Over the years, she has worn the hats of Firmware Developer, Team Lead, Scrum Master, and Product Owner.