12 days of Christmas blogs


Our 12 most read blogs in 2020

If you would like to continue your learning over the 12 days of Christmas, here are links to our most-read blogs this year, in order of popularity:

  1. Running the eclipse-mosquitto MQTT Broker in a docker container
  2. Template inheritance
  3. Python 3 Unicode and Byte Strings
  4. Demystifying C++ lambdas
  5. Peripheral register access using C Struct’s – part 1
  6. An Introduction to Docker for Embedded Developers – Part 1 Getting Started
  7. Template member functions
  8. Thanks for the memory (allocator)
  9. Developing a Generic Hard Fault handler for ARM Cortex-M3/Cortex-M4
  10. Templates of templates
  11. Mutex vs. Semaphores – Part 1: Semaphores
  12. Scope and Lifetime of Variables in C

These blogs were not all written this year, this is their popularity in terms of number of reads this year. We are always amazed to see the popularity of Niall's Mutex vs.Semaphore blog, which was written in 2009.

Remember we also have videos on some of these topics (including Mutex vs. semaphores) on our YouTube Channel

For other blogs please see Sticky Bits