Please join us when Niall Cooling, CEO at Feabhas and our associate Linux lecturer, Chris Simmonds are speaking during the Embedded-live conference which is held from 19 - 21 October 2010 in Earls Court, London.
In his classes on Embedded Programmers’ Guide to the ARM Cortex-Mx Architecture, Niall will be giving an embedded software engineers’ perspective of how the ARM Cortex-Mx architecture will affect their embedded C code.
During Nialls' second session, Understanding Mutual Exclusion: The Semaphores vs. the Mutex, he will be giving the participants a thorough foundation in the core RTOS concept of mutual exclusion.
Chris will start by showing how to minimise boot time in his talk on Reducing Boot Time in Embedded Linux Systems
Followed by his presentation Android: How it Works and How You Can Make it Work for You, during which Chris will show how Android is put together, and how you can implement it on custom hardware.
Four highly interesting topics, for more information and full session details please follow the links above.