There's still time to sign up
We are running two courses on C programming this December, both of which can be booked by PO or by credit card
Advanced C programming - December 6-9
This course aims to take individuals to the next level and give them a fuller appreciation of the more advanced aspects of the language.
Due to the requirements for programming real-time embedded systems, the course goes beyond just addressing the language issues and explores compile, link and run-time issues. It also covers hardware access, interrupts and multi-tasking areas specific to the C programming language.
It is an intensive four day course covering advanced aspects of the C programming language (C99) including the traps and pitfalls of the language (e.g. structure packing, dynamic memory, etc.), compile, link, and run-time memory models and the MISRA-C guidelines
Approximately 50% of the course consists of writing code for a real target.
The course will be delivered remotely over Zoom.
We can accept payment via credit card or via PO.
C for real-time embedded developers - December 6-10
We have a few places remaining for this popular course.
This course teaches the C programming language, ensuring engineers come away knowing how to use it effectively and appropriately in a real-time embedded environment.
It is an intensive five day course covering C in the context of real-time embedded application development. Approximately 50% of the course consists of writing code for a real target, which is emulated with a graphical front end for remote delivery (pictured above).
The course will be delivered remotely over Zoom.
We can accept payment via credit card or via PO.