The term ‘Modern C++’ is used to describe the current best practices for the use of C++. In some cases, this may mean new capabilities of the language; in other cases it means more effective ways of performing familiar programming tasks.
This advanced course is designed to transition experienced C++ programmers to the latest incarnation of the C++ language. The focus is to teach good programming practice using Modern C++ and to put the latest features of the language into context.
The course covers C++11, C++14 and C++17.
Course objectives:
- To provide a deep understanding of the C++ programming language.
- To give you practical experience of writing Modern C++ on hosted embedded systems
- To give you the confidence to apply these new concepts to your next project.
Delegates will learn:
- Modern C++ syntax, semantics and library features
- The Application Binary Interface (ABI) and memory model of C++
- Idioms and patterns for building effective C++ programs
- Real-time and concurrency design issues
- A good working knowledge of C++ (knowledge of C++11 onwards is useful, but not essential)
- Some experience of development multi-threaded applications is useful.
- A working understanding of machine architectures is helpful.
Who should attend:
- This course is aimed at C++ programmers who are using earlier standards of C++, and experienced C++ programmers who want to extend and expand their C++ skills.
- Five days.
Course materials:
- Delegate manual
Course workshop:
- Attendees perform hands-on exercises during course practicals. Approximately 50% of the course is given over to practical work. The tools used are indicative of current modern working practices in the embedded arena.
Part 1 - Core concepts
Build process
- The C++ build process
- The preprocessor stage
- Compiler and linker stages
- Linking embedded and hosted applications
The C++ object model
- Declaration and definition
- Brace initialisation syntax
- Pointers and references
- Empty pointer validation
- Temporary object materialization
User defined types
- The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
- Member variable initialisation
- Constructors
- Re-enabling the default constructor
- Delegating constructors
- Explicit constructors
- Inline initialisation of static member variables
Type deduction
- Automatic type deduction
- Qualifying auto-deduced types
- The decltype operator
- Auto-deduced function return types
- Trailing return-type syntax
- Numeric and character literals
- Enum classes
- constexpr objects
- constexpr functions and classes
- User-defined literals
- std::string_view
Functions call ABI
- Function declaration and definition
- Procedure Activation Record
- Member functions
- Function parameters
- Pass-by-value, pointer and reference
- const member functions
- Returning by value
- Named Return Value Optimisation (NRVO)
- Return Value Optimisation (RVO)
- Copy elision
- Factory functions
- Auto-deduced function return types
- Compiler diagnostics
Arrays and iterators
- Arrays of objects
- std::array
- Arrays as parameters
- Iterators
- range-for statement
Vocabulary types
- Structured bindings
- std::pair and std::tuple
- std::optional and std::expected
- std::variant and std::visit
- std::any and small buffer optimisation
Part 2 – Object Oriented Design
Composite objects
- Composition
- Aggregation
- Composite object initialisation
- Optional composite objects
Connecting objects
- Unidirectional Associations
- Bidirectional association
- Forward declarations
Creating substitutable types
- Specialisation vs inheritance
- Substitution
- The Liskov Substitution principle
- The virtual function ABI
Abstract Base Classes
- The Single Responsibility principle
- Pure virtual functions
- Abstract types
- Dynamic cast
Realising interfaces
- The Dependency Inversion principle
- The Interface concept
- Pure virtual functions
- The Interface Segregation principle
- Cross casting
Part 3 - Standard Library
Sequence containers
- std::vector
- std::bitset
- std::list and std::forward_list
- Container classes and std::initializer_list
Associative containers
- std::set
- std::pair and std::map
- std::unordered map
- The Standard Library model
- std::fill and std::sort
- std::find, std::count and std::accumulate
- The Remove-Erase idiom
- std::transform and std::bind
- std::bind placeholders
Callable objects
- Functors
- Lambda functor syntax
- Lambdas as a block-scoped function
- Capture context
- Capture initialisers
- std::function and std::invoke
Part 4 - Resource management
Resource management
- Disabling copy constructor and assignment
- Deep copy constructor and assignment
- The Rule of the Three
- Copy-swap idiom
- Virtual copy constructor
Move semantics
- Compiler generated copy operations
- 'Resource pilfering'
- L-value, R-value and PR-value expressions
- X-value objects
- Move constructor and assignment
- std::move
- Compiler generated move operations
Smart pointers
- The problem with raw pointers for memory management
- std::unique_ptr
- std::shared_ptr
- std_weak_ptr
C++ Strings
- C-Strings (NTBS)
- Raw String Literals
- std::string
- Short String Optimization (SSO)
- std::string_view
Part 5 - Templates
Template functions
- The problems with function-like macros
- Template functions
- Template parameter type deduction
- The forwarding reference idiom
- Template function overloading
Template classes
- Generic classes
- Template type deduction
- Template deduction guidelines
Templates and polymorphism
- The cost of virtual interfaces
- Policy patterns
Perfect forwarding
- Variadic templates
- std::forward
- std::forward vs std::move
Part 6 - Concurrency
- Concurrency vs parallelism
- std::thread
- Run policies
- Polymorphic threads
- Waiting for threads to finish
- Detaching threads
Mutual exclusion
- Race conditions
- Mutual exclusion
- The scope-locked idiom
- std::lock_guard and std::unique_lock
Condition variables
- Thread synchronisation
- The Guarded Suspension pattern
Atomic types
- Shared objects in multiprocessor environments
- Why volatile is inappropriate
- Atomic types
- Load-acquire / Store-release barriers
Asynchronous tasks
- The Asynchronous Message pattern
- The Promise / Future pattern
- std::async and packaged tasks
- Launch policies