This advanced 3-day course is designed to transition experienced C++ programmers to the latest features of C++17, C++20 and C++23. The focus is to teach good programming practice using Modern C++ and to put the latest features of the language into context.
Course Objectives:
- To provide a review of C++17 and an appreciation of the new features of C++20 and C++23
- To give you practical experience of working C++20/23 syntax and libraries
- To give you the confidence to apply these new concepts to your next project
Delegates will learn:
- New C++17/20/23 syntax, semantics and library features
- Class concepts, requirements and polymorphic allocators
- Ranges, views and coroutines for working with sequences
- Modules and interfaces for structuring source code
- A good working knowledge of C++11/14 and the standard library
- An understanding of machine architectures is helpful.
Who should attend:
This course is aimed at C++ programmers who are using earlier standards of C++, and experienced C++ programmers who want to extend and expand their C++ skills.
Three days.
Course Materials:
- Delegate manual
Course Workshop:
Attendees perform hands-on exercises during course practicals. Approximately 40% of the course is given over to practical work. The tools used are indicative of current modern working practices in the embedded arena.
Day 1
Language Changes
- constexpr virtual functions
- consteval
- if constexpr () and if consteval ()
- flow control initialiser clauses
- compiler diagnostics
- preprocessor changes
Data type updates
- 2's complement integer type
- extended floating point types
- designated initializers for struct
- non arithmetic std::byte type
- byte ordering using std::byteswap
- restricted use of volatile objects
- using statement with enum and enumerated value types
- string literals, string types, Unicode support
- invoking constructors with std::construct_at
String formatting
- string literals, string types, Unicode support
- using std::to_string
- the std::string_view class
- user defined literals
- string formatting and std::format
- the print() and println() functions
Vocabulary types
- C++17 structured bindings
- std::pair
- std::optional
- std::expected
- std::tuple
- std::variant
- std::any
Template updates
- class template argument deduction
- abbreviated function templates
- template deduction guides
- template lambdas
Comparing objects
- comparing objects of the same/different types
- equality semantics
- equality testing with operator==
- default operator==
- ordering semantics: strongly ordered, and weakly ordered
- comparison (starship) operator < = > and default operator < = >
Day 2
- implicit class requirements for templates
- defining template requirements with requires
- type traits
- function requirement modifiers
- ad hoc constraints
- non template constraints
- concepts and requirements
- using concepts in templates
- standard concepts
- concepts and constraints
- requires expressions
- constrained auto types
- concepts and perfect forwarding
- ranges concepts
- range-for structured bindings
- defining ranges with std::span
- multi-dimensional structures using std::mdspan
- multiple parameters to subscript operator
- algorithms and ranges
- range concept types
- projections
- writing a classic iterator
- using an end sentinel iterator
- views concepts
- view pipelines
- writing views
- view iterator
- view adapter
Day 3
Polymorphic allocators
- problems with container allocators
- polymorphic allocator model
- polymorphic memory resources (PMR)
- writing a polymorphic allocator
- standard memory resources
- using std::monotonic_buffer_resource
- understanding std::unsynchronized_pool_resource
- coroutine concepts
- co_yield and co_return statements
- std::generator
- module concepts
- mainstream compiler support for modules
- module, import and export statements
- Global Module Fragment
- single file modules
- module linkage
- multiple compilation units
- modules and namespaces
- modules and header files
- standard library support
- module partitions
- RAII/RDID threads using std::jthread
- atomic wait and notify
- binary and counting semaphores
- multi-thread synchronisation with std::latch
- multi-thread synchronisation with std::barrier